Can You Flush Floss Down The Toilet | Know Everything

When I was a child, my grandparents always warned me not to flush floss down the toilet. As far as they were concerned, it could clog up their delicate pipes and create a costly plumbing problem.

So naturally, I kept that tidbit tucked away in my head along with all of the other sage advice Granny and Grandpa gave me throughout my childhood. 

Fast forward to today – when I can finally make some decisions on my own — and you better believe that before considering putting any floss down the toilet, I’ve done my research!

In this post, we’ll explore whether flushing dental floss is safe for your home’s plumbing system.

Can You Flush Floss Down The Toilet?

Knowing what is (and isn’t) safe to flush down the toilet is essential for maintaining a healthy plumbing system and preventing unnecessary clogs or damage. 

Flossing regularly is an important part of dental hygiene, but sadly it cannot be flushed down the drain. While flushing individual pieces of floss seems harmless, these strands can accumulate over time and lead to severe blockages throughout your pipes. 

It’s best to dispose of used floss in the trash because our sewage systems were not designed to deal with it!

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What Happens If You Flush Dental Floss?

As I have mentioned above, flushing dental floss is not recommended as it can cause plumbing and sewage problems. Dental floss consists of thin, tightly woven strands to remove food and plaque from your teeth. 

Unfortunately, these tight strands can snag on objects in the plumbing system, causing blockages. This clog is difficult to clear and can lead to costly repairs for homeowners or rental property owners. Beyond clogs, dental floss also contributes to ocean pollution

Since it doesn’t break down quickly like other waste products and typically passes through wastewater treatment systems intact.

It eventually ends up in coastal waters, potentially harming marine life. There have been reports of water birds, such as seagulls, tangled in used dental floss washed out into the ocean! 

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Is Regular Floss Biodegradable?

The short answer is yes; regular floss is biodegradable in the right environment. This claim has been backed up by research from medical journals and market studies. 

When looking at floss specifically, some are made with compounds that degrade over time, while others are made with materials such as nylon or polyester that take longer to break down naturally.

For example, a study conducted in 2003 found that dental floss composed of polyethylene degraded within 14 months when left outdoors in direct sunlight or placed inside soil mixed with composting microorganisms. 

Similarly, another study by the International Journal of Dentistry determined that certain synthetic dental flosses can degrade quickly when exposed to seawater environments and saltwater microbiomes (bacteria necessary for degrading plastics).

Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean you should throw your used dental floss into the ocean – it’s more likely to get stuck on marine life than break down easily! 

What’s important to note is that biodegradation can be challenging and straightforward – environmental conditions like light and temperature will affect how quickly and efficiently something breaks down naturally.

Many commercial brands use wax-based coated nylon string since these tend not to fray as quickly as uncoated floss but don’t last forever. 

Additionally, factors such as water pollution could make it much harder for any kind of plastic product (including dental floss)to properly break down over time – especially if it contains additives like colorants which may be harmful to surround ecosystems not broken down correctly first.

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Can You Recycle Used Dental Floss?

Many people need to be made aware that used dental floss is not recyclable or compostable. That can make it difficult to dispose of sustainably.

As it often ends up in landfills or the ocean, where it’s bad for the environment. However, there are still methods available to make sure your used floss isn’t causing any harm. 

There are now several brands of dental floss made from biodegradable materials, so you can use them with a clear conscience, knowing that they won’t be adding to the world’s plastic waste problem. 

Alternatively, some brands offer a mail-back recycling program so you can send your old floss to a recycling center for processing.

Whatever route you choose, it doesn’t have to feel like a compromise – you can still have clean teeth and do your part for the environment simultaneously!

How To Dispose Of Dental Floss?

Do you want to dispose of dental floss instead of flushing it down? Well, I must say yes, it’s a better idea. But how do you do that? Well, let me tell you, simply follow these steps.

Step 1: Determine the type of floss you are disposing of. Generally, most dental floss is made of nylon or eco-friendly materials. It’s important to know this as it will determine your best disposal method. 

Step 2: Research local waste disposal services or guidelines related to your specific type of dental floss. Your local government may have special guidelines when disposing of dental floss with particular materials, so double-check. 

Step 3: If there are no local regulations, traditional methods such as placing the used floss in a bag and throwing it in the trash can be used for plastics and nylon material types.

However, suppose your dental floss is made from eco-friendly materials such as bamboo or silk. In that case, you may have additional options depending on which country/state/city you live in.

Some offer compostable bags that can compost this type of material. In contrast, others offer recycling programs specifically designed for these products. 

Step 4: Try using biodegradable versions or reusable alternatives, such as waxed cotton threaders with metal heads that don’t require disposable packaging and don’t tear like plastic ones do when going through tight spaces between teeth!

This will ensure minimal environmental harm without compromising on hygiene/cleaning capabilities that modern interdental cleaning tools provide!

How Long Does Floss Take To Decompose?

Most people must consider how long it takes for everyday items to decompose. In fact, items like floss can take 50 to hundreds of years to break down in the environment. 

It’s simple enough that many people don’t think twice before tossing a used piece of floss into the trash.

Nearly 4 billion miles of the stuff is produced each year globally, yet most of it will still be around decades later if not recycled or reused.

Considering this, the need for better waste management and upcycling goes beyond conservation – to make an impact on our planet, we must change our habits as consumers and find sustainable alternatives that are friendlier to the environment.

Eco-Friendly Options For Dental Floss?

When looking for eco-friendly options for dental floss, it is important to consider both the environmental impact of the product and its effectiveness. 

Biodegradable Silk Floss

First of all, one should look into using biodegradable silk floss. This type of floss is made from a plant-based protein that breaks down rapidly once disposed of properly.

Plus, it doesn’t contain any plastic materials, which can harm wildlife or pollute bodies of water when not disposed of properly.

This floss effectively removes plaque and debris between teeth due to its smooth texture and strong fibers. 

Bamboo Charcoal Fiber Dental Tape OR Yarn

Another eco-friendly option for dental floss is bamboo charcoal fiber dental tape or yarns.

This type of tape or yarn is made from organic bamboo charcoal fibers that are highly absorbent and have antibacterial properties that help reduce bacteria buildup on teeth.

Plus – they’re 100% biodegradable! It’s also available in recyclable packaging, so you won’t need to worry about creating extra waste by buying new containers whenever you need more supplies.

Furthermore, these dental tapes provide a great way to gently clean your teeth without causing too much friction, as traditional nylon thread often does on sensitive gums.

Compostable Floss

If you’re looking for an affordable short-term solution to traditional plastic dental floss, compostable options could be your best choice.

Compostable dental floss usually comes in a small container made of paper and cardboard that’s been soaked in natural waxes and essential oils like mint, cinnamon, or lemon.

These containers reduce the environmental impact since they don’t require any petroleum-based plastic packaging and reduce waste sent to landfills since their contents can be broken down much more quickly than traditional plastics. 

Reusable Metal Picks With Bristles

Lastly, reusable metal picks with bristles may be another excellent alternative if you’re trying to find an eco-friendly option that’ll last longer than those disposable types out there.

Plus, they’re easy on the budget too, which makes them perfect for people who want to save money while still taking care of their oral hygiene!

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Bottom Line

In the end, it’s really up to you whether or not you want to flush your used floss down the toilet. If you don’t mind a little extra work, then go ahead and put it in the trash.

But if you’d rather flush and be done with it, that’s probably fine too. Just make sure you check with your local sewage authority to see what their policy is on flushing floss before you do it!

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