Can You Flush Hair Down The Toilet | Everything You Need To Know

I used to think flushing hair down the toilet was a harmless and easy way to dispose of it. However, my perspective changed when I experienced a frustrating plumbing issue.

After noticing slow drains and eventually a complete clog, I discovered that the culprit was hair. 

I learned that hair can accumulate in the pipes, leading to blockages and costly repairs.

Now, I understand the importance of proper hair disposal methods and want to share my experience to help others avoid similar plumbing problems. 

Let me share what I learned about why it’s not a good idea, and be with me for the rest of the blog.

Is It Ok To Flush Hair Down The Toilet Bowl?

If you are curious about flushing hair down, the toilet bowl is ok or not. Then, let me tell you, It is generally not recommended to flush hair down the toilet bowl. Hair can cause clogs in the plumbing system, mainly if it accumulates over time. 

While individual strands of hair may seem harmless, they can tangle and combine with other substances in the plumbing pipes, leading to blockages and potentially expensive repairs.

To maintain the proper functioning of your plumbing system, I found out it’s best to dispose of hair in alternative ways. 

You can throw it in the trash, seal it in a bag or container, or recycle it if local facilities accept hair for specific purposes (e.g., making wigs or absorbent materials). 

Additionally, using a drain strainer or a hair trap in your shower or bathtub can help prevent hair from going down the drain in the first place.

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How Do You Get Rid Of Hair In The Toilet?

How Do You Get Rid Of Hair In The Toilet?

If you have already done that and want to eliminate this mess. There is good news for you. I can help you with the whole process.

You can try some of my recommended methods (Which I tried) to remove hair from the toilet.

1. Plunger

If the hair is near the surface or visible, you can use a plunger to create suction and dislodge the hair. Place the plunger over the drain hole and push and pull it rapidly to create pressure that can dislodge the hair clog. 

If you don’t have plunger then no need to worry, read out my blog How To Flush Toilet Without Plunger to deal with this issue.

2. Toilet Auger

A toilet auger, or plumbing snake, is designed to clear toilet clogs. Insert the auger into the toilet bowl drain and rotate the handle to maneuver it down the pipe.

The auger’s end has a hook or claw that can grab onto hair clogs and allow you to pull them out.

3. Hot Water and Dish Soap

  1. Mix water with a small amount of dish soap.
  2. Pour the mixture into the toilet bowl and let it sit for a few minutes. The hot water and soap can help break down the hair and make it easier to flush away.
  3. Follow up with a few flushes to clear the remaining debris.

4. Enzyme-Based Cleaners

Commercial enzyme-based cleaners are specifically designed to break down organic matter like hair.

Follow the instructions on the product and pour it into the toilet bowl. Over time, these cleaners work by digesting the organic material, including hair.

If, sadly, none of these methods work or the clog persists, then it may be necessary to contact a professional plumber to assess and resolve the issue.

It’s important to remember that prevention is critical, so using a drain strainer or hair trap in the shower or bathtub can help prevent hair from entering the toilet in the first place.

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How Should You Dispose Of Hair?

How Should You Dispose Of Hair?

Now there would be many people thinking, if they can’t flush hair, what should they do with this hair? Right? Well, you can dispose of them as well.

Yeah! You hear it right; several ways to dispose of hair properly exist. Let me share some most popular and easiest ways with you guys.

1. Trash bin

The simplest method is to collect the hair and throw it in the trash bin.

You can gather the hair into a small bag or container to prevent it from scattering. Ensure that the bag or container is properly sealed to contain the hair.

2. Compost

You can add hair if you have a composting system, such as a backyard compost pile or compost bin. Hair is composed primarily of keratin, a natural protein that can break down in composting.

However, it’s important to note that hair decomposition is relatively slow, so it may take a while for the hair to break down completely.

3. Recycling

In some cases, hair can be recycled for specific purposes.

For example, some organizations and programs accept human hair donations to make wigs for people undergoing medical treatments or to create absorbent materials for environmental cleanup.

Check with local salons or search for hair recycling programs in your area to see if such options are available.

It’s worth noting that the appropriate method of hair disposal may depend on the specific regulations and practices in your locality.

It’s always a good idea to check with your local waste management or recycling facilities to see if they have any specific guidelines or recommendations for disposing of hair.

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Can the Toilet Be Clogged By Hair?

Yes, toilets can become clogged by hair. While hair strands may appear small and seemingly harmless.

They can accumulate and combine with other substances in the plumbing pipes, such as soap scum, grease, or other debris.

Over time, this can create blockages that impede water flow and cause a toilet to become clogged.

Hair is particularly problematic in the bathroom because it is often shed during activities like showering or grooming.

When hair goes down the drain, it can easily get caught in the pipes or collect in the P-trap (a curved section), leading to clogs.

Also, hair tends to tangle and form clumps, exacerbating blockage potential.

To prevent hair clogs in the toilet, I must advise using a drain strainer or hair trap in the shower or bathtub to catch loose hair before it goes down the drain.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of the drains can also help remove any hair that may have accumulated before it becomes a more significant problem.

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How Does Hair Affect Your Plumbing System?

How Does Hair Affect Your Plumbing System?

I know this section of my blog will surprise you, but trust me, it’s very accurate. Hair can have several adverse effects on your plumbing system:

1. Clogs

Hair strands tangle and clump together, especially when combined with other substances like soap scum, grease, or debris in the plumbing pipes.

Over time, these hair clumps can accumulate and create clogs in the drains, leading to slow drainage or complete blockages.

Clogged pipes can cause backups, overflowing toilets, or even burst pipes in severe cases.

2. Reduced Water Flow

Even if hair doesn’t completely block the pipes, it can accumulate and restrict water flow.

The hair buildup can narrow the pipe’s diameter, reducing water flow and less efficient drainage.

This can lead to slower-draining sinks, showers, and toilets.

3. Pipe Corrosion

Hair contains keratin, a protein that can decompose over time.

When hair decomposes, it releases sulfur compounds that can corrode certain plumbing pipes, such as copper or galvanized steel.

Corrosion weakens the pipes, making them more susceptible to leaks and failures.

4. Increased Maintenance and Repair Costs

Dealing with clogged pipes and plumbing issues caused by hair can be costly.

You may need to hire a professional plumber to clear clogs, repair damaged pipes, or replace sections of the plumbing system.

Regular maintenance and preventative measures can help reduce the risk of hair-related plumbing problems and save you from potential expenses.

To minimize the impact of hair on your plumbing system, I advised you to use drain strainers or hair traps in the shower or bathtub.

These devices catch hair before it enters the drain, reducing the likelihood of clogs. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your drains can also prevent hair buildup and ensure proper water flow.

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Bottom Line

Well, in the end, my whole research concludes that It is not recommended to flush hair down the toilet.

Hair can accumulate and cause clogs in the plumbing system, leading to potential damage and costly repairs.

Proper disposal methods, such as throwing hair in the trash or recycling it, are safer and more suitable options to prevent plumbing issues.


Can I Flush My Pubes?

It’s not advisable. Flushing pubic hair can lead to clogs in the plumbing system. Dispose of it in the trash instead.

Can You Flush Leg Hair Down The Toilet?

It’s not recommended. Flushing leg hair can cause plumbing clogs. Dispose of it in the trash bin.

How Do You Unclog A Toilet With Hair Down?

Use a plunger or toilet auger to clear the clog. Hot water, dish soap, or enzyme-based cleaners can also help dissolve hair clogs.

Can Short Hair Clog A Toilet?

While less likely, short hair can still contribute to clogs. It’s best to prevent hair from entering the toilet drain.

Do Hair Get Stuck In Toilet?

Hair can get stuck in the toilet and contribute to clogs if improperly disposed of or prevented from entering the drain.

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