Does Hair Clog Toilets | Experts’ Opinion

As a licensed plumber, I’ve been asked many odd questions over the years—mostly from homeowners looking for answers to their plumbing problems.

Recently, one of my customers asked me if hair can clog a toilet—a valid question considering the amount of money they’d have to pay for repairs.

Fortunately, I’m here to tell you the truth about this common plumbing concern: Yes, your hair can clog up toilets.

But while I can stand firm on this matter with certainty, there may still be some false assumptions and misunderstandings that need clearing up when it comes to does hair clogs toilets or not.

To do just that, let’s delve into further detail about how hairsplitting strands and blockages occur.

Can Hair Clog Toilets?

Have you ever wondered if hair can clog up a toilet? Well, the answer is surprising, yes! With excessive shedding, hair can easily wind around foreign objects and debris that settle in your pipes. A single strand of hair can even trap air in the pipes due to its hollow core. As more and more hair piles up over time, clogs can become so severe that eventually the flow of water will be blocked entirely.

Which Type Of Hairs Can Cause Clog In A Toilet? 

Short Hair 

Short hair is more likely to form a clog than long hair because it is easier for it to get stuck in the drainpipe. In addition, this type of hair tends to break off easily, so shorter pieces can get trapped in small crevices or corners inside the drainpipe.

When enough short hairs accumulate, they can create a blockage that causes your toilet bowl water to rise too high and overflow. 

Beard Hairs 

Beard hairs are particularly dangerous when causing clogs because they tend to be thicker than other hair types.

Plus, beard hairs are usually coarser than other types of body hair, so they’re more likely to snag on something inside the drainpipe and become lodged there.

So if your toilet has been clogging frequently and you have a beard, it might be time to use a drain guard or strainer over your sink or shower drains! 

Long Hairs 

Longer hairs tend to be less likely than shorter hairs to cause a clog in toilets because they are longer and have more surface area for water flow.

However, if enough long hairs accumulate in the same spot over time, they can still create an obstruction that blocks the flow of water through the drainpipe and causes your toilet bowl water levels to rise too high.

To prevent this from happening, ensure you don’t let any long hairs escape your sink or shower drains! 

Ultimately, all types of hair can cause clogs in toilets if they are not correctly disposed of. That said, certain types—such as short and beard hairs—are more prone than others (like long hairs) due to their size and shape. 

What To Do If You Flush Hair Down The Toilet?

It’s easy to accidentally flush hair down the toilet, but it can quickly lead to clogged pipes and a backed-up toilet.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry – there are several things you can do to unclog your toilet without calling in a plumber. But first, I want to share some tips on handling this common plumbing issue. 

Manual Removal of Hair From The Toilet Bowl 

First, you should try to remove any visible hair from the inside of your toilet bowl. Use rubber gloves and a pair of tongs or a pair of needle nose pliers for safety.

Next, reach into the drain and remove as much hair as possible. This will help eliminate most of the clogs. However, it may take several attempts before the hair is removed. 

Using a Drain Snake or Plunger 

If the manual removal doesn’t work, you may need a drain snake or plunger to clear the remaining hair clog. Start by inserting a drain snake into your toilet bowl and gently push it down until you feel resistance.

When you do, turn the crank on the snake clockwise while pushing it further down into the drainpipe until you feel it break through whatever is blocking it.

Once that’s done, give your toilet one more flush and see if that clears out any remaining debris. If not, try using a plunger with some force until the water starts flowing freely again. 

Using Chemical Solutions 

If manual removal and plunging still don’t work in clearing out your blocked pipes, you may need to resort to chemical solutions like drain cleaning products or store-bought cleaners like bleach or vinegar.

Before using these solutions, ensure they are safe for your home’s plumbing system by reading all instructions before applying them directly onto any part of your plumbing fixture.

Additionally, never mix two chemicals together as this could create dangerous fumes and cause serious damage to both your health and your home’s plumbing system!

What Will Dissolve Hair In A Drain?

Dealing with clogs is never fun and often tricky to remove, especially when the hairs are clogged in the toilet.

But worry not! Fortunately, several methods for dissolving hair in drains can help unclog them quickly and easily. Read on to learn more about these helpful solutions! 

  • Chemical Solutions – Many people turn to chemical products when it comes to dealing with clogs caused by hair. These products usually contain harsh chemicals like sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide, which can dissolve hair within minutes. Taking safety precautions when using these products is essential, as they can be highly corrosive and cause severe damage if misused. Additionally, some chemical products may not be suitable for certain types of pipes, so it’s essential to read the instructions carefully before using them. 
  • Boiling Water – Boiling water is another excellent way to dissolve hair in drains. All you need to do is bring a pot of water to a boil and then slowly pour it down the drain while gently agitating the pipe with a plunger or snake tool. This method works best on metal pipes and is generally not recommended for plastic pipes as the high temperatures can cause them to melt or deform over time. Also, boiling water should never be used with chemical solutions as this could create hazardous fumes or even an explosion! 
  • Vinegar & Baking Soda – Vinegar and baking soda are two household staples perfect for tackling stubborn clogs caused by hair buildup in your drains. Simply mix equal parts vinegar and baking soda together until they form a paste-like consistency and then pour it down your drain. Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes before flushing it out with hot water; this will help break down any remaining residue without damaging your plumbing fixtures. 

How Long Does It Take For Hair To Decompose In Toilet

Like me, have you ever wondered how long it takes for hair to decompose when flushed down a toilet? However, hair is naturally biodegradable, so it won’t stay in the plumbing system forever. 

On average, human hair takes a few months to several years to fully decompose in toilet waste pipes. But, of course, this depends on the amount and type of hair that ends up in the drain. Typically, finer and shorter hair will break down faster, while coarser and longer strands take much longer. 

It’s important not to flush anything other than toilet paper since even small clumps of hair can cause significant problems if they accumulate in drains and pipes over time.

Will A Plunger Get Hair Out Of A Drain?

If you have seen a clump of hair slowly make its way down the drain, you might have wondered if anything could help you get rid of it. The good news is that your average household plunger can help with this issue. This can be especially useful in showers since they gather more hair than sinks. 

To use the plunger correctly, one must first plug the overflow hole and then fill enough water in the sink or shower so that it covers the head of the plunger.

Then, simply pump up and down vigorously until the blockage is cleared up. This tried-and-true method has helped many people get rid of their hairy drain problem quickly and easily.

What Does Hair Do In A Septic Tank?

When it comes to septic tanks, many think very little about what they do and how they work. But one thing that you should definitely pay attention to is what happens when hair enters the system.

We all know how easily hair can clog up a regular bathroom sink or shower drain – so you can imagine the havoc it could wreak on your septic tank if it doesn’t get filtered out properly. In addition, hair often doesn’t break down as quickly as other waste, so if not monitored closely, it can cause severe backups in a tank or extra strain on its components. 

Many septic tanks require unique media systems, like gravel and sand beds, to keep long hair from resting at the bottom and blocking proper wastewater flow. However, it’s important to remember that even if you have a septic tank, routine maintenance is still necessary – especially regarding hair.

How Do You Get Hair Out Of A Toilet Yourself?

Hair clogs are one of the most common issues homeowners face. It’s annoying to deal with and can become a burden if you don’t know how to unclog it.

The good news is that there are several ways to handle this issue without resorting to harsh chemicals or expensive plumbing services. So let’s explore some options for getting hair out of the toilet, so your plumbing remains unclogged. 

Boiling Water Method 

One way to get the hair out of the toilet without a plunger is boiling water. Boil a pot of water and slowly pour it into the bowl. The boiling water helps loosen the hair and other material that may be causing the clog. 

This method works best when combined with baking soda, vinegar, or dish soap. Pour about ½ cup baking soda into the toilet, followed by 1 cup white vinegar or 1-2 tablespoons dish soap. 

Then slowly pour in the boiling water until it reaches halfway up the sides of the toilet bowl. Wait 15-20 minutes for everything to settle before flushing again. 

Hanger Method 

Another quick way to get the hair out of a toilet is with a hanger. You will need an old wire coat hanger or something similar—make sure it doesn’t have any sharp edges (you don’t want to scratch your porcelain). 

Unbend the hanger so that it forms an angled hook at one end and straighten out any kinks as needed. Push this hook down into your drain hole and wiggle it around to try and snag whatever might be blocking your pipes. Once you feel like you’ve got all the material out, flush your toilet to see if it goes away completely! 

Plunger Method 

Sometimes, nothing seems to work no matter how hard you try—and that’s where having a plunger comes in handy! A plunger is one of the most effective tools for removing clogs from toilets; make sure you do not use chemical drain cleaners, as those can damage your plumbing system over time.

Place your plunger directly over the drain hole and ensure enough water is inside for suction (so add more if needed).

Then, push down firmly several times until you hear gurgling noises from your pipes—this should indicate that whatever was blocking them has been cleared successfully! 

How Much Does It Cost To Unclog Pipes?

Unclogging pipes is no easy task, and its cost can depend on various factors. From size to degree of difficulty, a professional plumber will use their knowledge and experience to identify what needs to be done before providing an estimate. 

The cost to unclog your pipe can range significantly depending on whether the clog is deep inside or near the surface, how many bends are present in the pipe, and other factors. 

In general, unclogging drains and toilets can cost anywhere from as little as $100 to over $350; however, deeper clogs may require additional time and equipment, resulting in higher costs.

Also Read:

Do Hotels Charge You For Clogging The Toilet

Bottom Line

So, there you have it. Does hair clog toilets? In short: yes. But the good news is that there are ways to prevent it. And if it does happen, there are also ways to fix it. Just remember to flush often and keep your drain clean!

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