How To Flush A Tankless Toilet Without Water | 2 Ways

I love inventions, and flushing is one area where I am thrilled. I mean, toilet flushing is one of those things we all have to deal with in our day-to-day lives.

Fortunately, the invention of the tankless toilet has made my life easier regarding flushing. How? Read on for helpful tips to help you learn how to flush a tankless toilet without water. 

But mostly, the first thought that comes to most people when they hear the words “flush a tankless toilet without water” is… well, it makes us cringe.

It’s a hard image to shake. However, it must be done if you’re in desperate need of flushing your tankless toilet without water. 

As long as you follow the below-mentioned two methods, using your tankless toilet without water is no big deal. But before telling that methods let me tell you in the most straightforward steps.

The best way to flush a tankless toilet without water is with a bucket and a plunger. First, use a bucket, which you can fill with water and pour into the toilet’s tankless bowl. Now with the plunger, push any remaining waste out of the bowl so it can be flushed out with minimal water.

What Is a Tankless Toilet?

A tankless toilet is a toilet that doesn’t have a tank to store water. Instead, it heats the water as it passes through the pipes.

You can say that a tankless toilet is a bathroom fixture gaining popularity, and for a good reason. They’re the most efficient option for your water usage and are great for homes where the water supply is limited or hard to access.

Also Read: How Much Water Is Required To Flush a Toilet?

Tankless toilets use an internal heating element to heat the water as it passes through, eliminating the need to store a large amount of water in one place.

This prevents you from making multiple trips to your bathroom during the night—and it can save up to 40% on your monthly water bill.

The first thing you’ll notice about tankless toilets is their shape: they come in various styles and colors. But most have rounded edges rather than straight ones, like traditional toilets.

They also tend to be smaller than other models, so they can fit into tight spaces without taking up too much room.

Also read:

What Is Bio Toilet | A Comprehensive Guide In 2023

How to Flush a Tankless Toilet Without Water | 2 Method

The tankless toilet is a great way to save water, but it can also be a pain to flush when running out of water. To flush your tankless toilet without water, I have found two most straightforward methods that I would love to share with you.

Method # 1 | With A Bucket Of Water And a Plunger 

For the first method, you’ll need to have a bucket and a plunger, or you could use some other suction tool. Here’s how we do it in 2 steps.

Step 1: First, put your bucket underneath the toilet bowl. Then, put the plunger over the opening in the tankless toilet and use it to pull up the water inside. 

Step 2: Next, put the plunger on top of the hole again, but this time push down instead of pulling up—this will force all that water into your bucket so you can pour it outside the drain.

If you don’t have plunger then don’t worry read our blog How To Flush Toilet Without Plunger to overcome the situation easily.

Method # 2: By Using a Plastic Bag

The following method you can do by using a plastic bag and wondering how you can do it. Let me show you.

Step 1: First, you’ll need to buy a plastic bag full of air. There are usually some in the bottom of your closet somewhere.

Step 2: Next, you’ll want to place the plastic bag over the opening of your tankless toilet and push it down into the bowl until it fits snugly over the opening.

Step 3: You can put a small rock on top of the bag to hold it in place while you take care of other things around your house—like folding laundry and dishes.

Step 4: After about five minutes, check back on your toilet and see if all of that waste has been flushed out yet. If not, try pushing down harder on the bag with your foot or hand for another two minutes before checking again.

To get more ways to flush a toilet during intense situations read our blogs:

How To Flush Toilet If Water Is Off

How To Flush Toilet During Power Outage

How To Flush a Toilet With a Broken Handle

Choosing the Right Flush Device for Your Tankless Toilet

If you’re looking to install a tankless toilet and the thought of having to replace the flushing mechanism in addition to replacing your current commode is too much for you, don’t worry!

Here I am sharing several options available today that make this process easy and pain-free, so it will also work for you.

Choose a Flush Valve

The flush valve is the heart of your tankless toilet. It controls the flow of water from your supply lines, and it’s the component that allows you to flush the toilet. Many styles and features are available for flush valves, so choosing one can be difficult. 

To make things easier for you, here’s a rundown of some factors to consider when selecting a flush valve for your tankless toilet:

Style: The style of the flush valve will determine how it operates regarding flushing power and sound quality. Flush valves come in two main styles: direct plunger or piston lift. 

Direct plungers use pressurized air to force water through an opening at the bottom end of its stem; piston lifts use hydraulic pressure generated by water flowing through them (as well as gravity) to lift from their seats after each use so that they don’t have contact with waste matter left behind by previous users. 

Piston lifts are quieter than direct plungers because there isn’t any air escaping during operation; however, piston lifts require more energy since more power is needed to create enough pressure within these devices’ chambers without any leaks between them.

Material: You should also consider how often you use your toilet and what kind of material it is made from before choosing a flush valve for your tankless toilet. If you use the toilet frequently and want something that won’t break down quickly.

Then choose one made from stainless steel rather than plastic or plastic composite materials because they are more durable and less likely to crack over time due to constant use by family members.

ShutOff Feature: The third thing you should keep in mind when choosing a flush valve is whether or not you want one with an automatic shutoff feature.

Automatic shutoff valves automatically turn off after each use so that air doesn’t get into your system and cause damage over time.

This can save you money on your water bill because it will prevent waste from occurring due to air being trapped inside pipes which then causes pressure buildup, which can lead to leaks. 

However, these valves tend to be more expensive than those without automatic shutoff capabilities because they require additional parts like sensors and actuators that are more costly than those needed for a regular flush.

To get more information about flush valve read our blog how does a flush valve work.

Pick a Flush Actuator

You’ll also want to pick a flush actuator. This is the device that activates your flush valve and flushes your toilet. It can be manual or automatic, with options like a lever, button, or rocker switch. 

The most common type of flush actuator is an electronic sensor, which senses when you’ve moved away from the toilet after using it and then activates a pump to empty its contents into the drain pipe system.

Buttons are an affordable option for those who aren’t looking for anything fancy: they’re easy to install and operate but may not last as long as some other types of sensors. 

Another option is a lever-style handle; these are found on many older toilets but can still be seen today in some new models, too (and if you’re retrofitting an existing tankless model with one of these flushing mechanisms).

Search for a Flush Control Panel

When choosing a flush control panel, look for one that is easy to install and use. The more convenient the panel, the less likely that you will have issues with it in the future.

It’s also essential to look for a flush control panel with a warranty. This will give you peace of mind and help ensure your investment lasts as long as possible.


In conclusion, I hope after reading this article, you have come to know how to flush a tankless toilet without water.

Always keep in mind that if you have a tankless toilet, it is essential to flush it regularly with water to prevent any build-up in the tank.

Flushing also helps to clean the toilet and keep it clean. If you have any problems with your tankless toilet, do not hesitate to contact your local plumber for help.


How do you flush a toilet when there is no water in the tank?

First off, locate the toilet’s fill valve on the left side of the tank and turn it off by shutting its supply valve.
Lift up the lid of the tank and pour one full bucket of water into it from about waist level height.
This should be enough to create pressure that will send waste down through your pipes as usual.

Do tankless toilets flush better?

Because of this unique flushing technology, tankless toilets produce a cleaner and more powerful flush than traditional models.

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