How To Remove Poop Smell From Clothes in 2023?

I remember it like it was just yesterday – my son had a huge poo explosion, and he ended up covered in it! My wife knew there was no hope of saving his clothes, but the smell lingered after washing. 

It seemed to be trapped inside our laundry room! After some trial and error, desperate Google searching and lots of white vinegar, My wife and I finally figured out how to remove the poop smell from clothes…and trust me when I tell you that this technique works wonders!

How Do I Get Poop Smell Out Of Clothing | Easiest Ways

How Do I Get Poop Smell Out Of Clothing | Easiest Ways

There is nothing like the disgusting smell of poop that can wreck your day and leave you feeling gross. 

If you have ever had poop stains on your clothing, you would know how difficult it can be to eliminate the smell.

When faced with this problem, most people don’t know what to do and try different things that don’t work. 

However, in this section I will discuss some of the easiest ways to get poop smell out of clothing. So, keep reading if you can relate to this problem.

1. Vinegar (+bicarb)

Vinegar is a great natural cleaner and can work wonders on your clothing. You can add a cup of vinegar to your washing machine while washing your clothes, and it will eliminate any unwanted smell.

If the smell is stubborn, mix vinegar with baking soda to boost its stain-removing power.

Make a paste by mixing equal vinegar and baking soda, and apply it to the stain. Let the paste sit for a few minutes before washing it off.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

Hydrogen peroxide is another excellent cleaning agent that can remove the poop smell from your clothing. Mix equal hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, then apply them to the affected area.

Let the mixture stay for a few minutes before washing it off. You can also add hydrogen peroxide to your laundry detergent to help remove any lingering smells.

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3. Fabric Softener

A fabric softener can also help eliminate stubborn smells. Add some fabric softener to your washing machine before you wash your clothes.

It can help eliminate the poop smell and leave your clothes smelling fresh and clean.

However, follow the instructions on the bottle, as too much fabric softener can lead to over-saturation of your clothes.

4. Enzyme Cleaner

An enzyme cleaner is another fantastic option for fighting poop smells in your clothes.

The enzymes break down the bacteria causing the odor, and the smell will no longer linger on your clothing.

Before using an enzyme cleaner, read the instructions carefully and ensure it is safe for your clothes.

5. Essential oils

Essential oils have become increasingly popular over the years for their amazing benefits.

Many have strong antibacterial and antifungal properties that help remove the poop smell from clothing.

Some great essential oils include tea tree oil, lavender oil, lemon oil, and peppermint oil.

Add a few drops to your washing machine when doing laundry or mix them with water and use them as a spray to get rid of the odor.

6. Homemade Poop Stain Remover Spray

Another great way to eliminate stubborn poop stains and odors is by making your stain remover spray.

To create this spray, you’ll need three simple ingredients: baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and liquid dish soap. Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle and spray the affected area. 

Use a scrub brush to work the solution into the fabric gently, and then let it sit for a few minutes before washing as usual.

The stain and odor should be gone when the clothing is washed.

7. White Vinegar Poop Odor Remover:

White vinegar is a staple in many households, and it’s no surprise that it can remove the poop smell from clothing.

Add half a cup of white vinegar to your laundry detergent, which will help neutralize the odor. 

If you prefer a spray, mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and spray the affected area. Let it soak for a few minutes, then wash your clothes as usual.

Prevention Tips:

While these hacks effectively eliminate the poop smell from clothing, the best way to avoid this situation is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

If you have a baby or toddler, change their diaper frequently and use diaper rash cream to prevent irritation. 

If you have pets, clean their mess immediately and use odor neutralizers to prevent lingering smells.

If an adult is experiencing this problem, make sure they seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause.

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Does Poop Wash Out Of Clothes?

Does Poop Wash Out Of Clothes?

So, let’s talk about something that might not be the most pleasant topic but is necessary: poop stains.

We’ve all been there – maybe your baby had a diaper blowout, or your dog had an accident on your favorite pair of pants. 

The question on everyone’s mind is: does poop wash out of clothes? The good news is it usually can. But the key is to act quickly. The longer you let it sit, the harder it will be to remove. 

And if there are any hard chunks, you’ll want to scrape them off before getting started. 

But with some laundry detergent and some elbow grease, you should be able to salvage your clothing. Just don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards!

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Will Vinegar Stain Clothes?

Will Vinegar Stain Clothes?

Vinegar is unlikely to stain most clothes when used properly. However, it’s essential to be cautious and follow some guidelines.

White vinegar is a mild acid, and when used as a cleaning agent or in laundry, it should be diluted with water to avoid potential damage or discolouration.

Generally, vinegar is safe to use on most fabrics but always do a spot test on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric before using it more extensively.

Additionally, avoid using vinegar on delicate fabrics like silk or acetate, as it may cause damage.

For these fabrics, it’s better to use alternative stain removal methods and follow the care instructions provided by the garment manufacturer.

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Bottom Line

From one poopy accident to the next, we are all sure to come across a need for how to remove poop smell from clothes.

With these tips in mind, you can move ahead confidently, knowing you can quickly make your clothing fresh and clean. 

All it takes is a little bit of pre-planning (or post-planning?), and these bad odours will soon be a thing of the past! Hang tight and trust your methods. You won’t regret it!


Can Clothes Smell Permanently?

Clothes can develop permanent smells if not properly cleaned and treated, especially with strong or persistent odors.

How To Get Poop Smell Out Of Baby Clothes?

To get the poop smell out of baby clothes, pre-treat with stain remover, wash with enzyme detergent in cold water, and air-dry in sunlight.

How Do You Remove Poop Stains With Baking Soda?

To remove poop stains with baking soda, create a paste with water, apply it to the stain, let it sit, and then wash the garment as usual.

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